CASRA Referees,

I am pleased to report that we will be having our annual meeting in-person this year.  Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Saturday March 2nd 2024. The meeting will be held at:

Libations Tavern
8541 Veterans Highway
Millersville MD 21108.

A Breakfast Buffet will be served at 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM.   The Annual General Meeting to follow. You must RSVP to Mark Jennings by email
casramanager@gmail.com so we can have an accurate count.

At that meeting we will be voting on the Election of Officers and Members at Large as well as other Agenda Items

Officers: (3yr Term)

Member at Large Positions: (3yr Term)

Current Ballot:


Coming Soon 

At Large Members:

Coming Soon

As per the By Laws, individuals are able to have their name placed in nomination with the concurrence of 10 qualified CASRA members.

Current Agenda:

1) Welcome
2) Proposed By-Law Changes
3) Election of Board
4) Presidents Report
5) Awards
6) Treasurer's Report
7) Executive Director Report

Prizes and giveaways will be conducted during the meeting.

Proposed By-Law Changes:

Proposed by-law changes will be discussed and voted on at the annual meeting. 

The new proposed By-Law Changes can be found by clicking this link.

A comparison of the changes to the current By-Laws can be found by clicking this link.