April 26, 2018

April 26, 2018

CASRA Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes







Erik Endler


Mitchell Williams


Barry Lawrence


Frank Giuliano


Rey Quiroz


Missy Lambert


Desiree Ridgell


Mark Patterson


Charlie Pope


Bruce Cochrane


Trey Krell


Robert Fereday


Marty Kuser


Kevin Garvey


Perry Kelley



Robin Miller


      Mark Jennings


Location :       5950 Symphony Wood Road, Columbia, MD

Call to Oder:   At 6:30 PM by President, Erik Endler


Approve Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes by the President, seconded by M Lambert,   Motion carried unanimously

Law Suit Discussion

CASRA agreed to providing 2016-2017 Game Data to Assignors in a secure location

CASRA agreed to provide a pay schedule to Assignors for 2017, Schedule for 2016 has been archived

Assignors will sign off on data (as correct) once they have had a chance to reviews

Assignors will be able to ask for an Audit of the 2016-2017 data

Global Tournaments has not responded to either the President or Executive Director regarding Thomas’s assigning of the Tournament in 2018

R&D Committee Report

Three cases reviewed to date,  one case still pending

Cases involve young referees turning back games and referee’s showing up late for matches

Keep the President in the loop on disposition of all cases

Contract Committee Report

Archive all folders

Executive Director to create new folder for each client holding Contracts and Contract communications,

Purchase space from a cloud provider to house all CASRA Contract Document. Owner to be assigned

Executive Committee to Compare rates with other leagues and surrounding states. Date for reporting to be determined. 

CASRA should be setting fees (Referees and Administrative Expenses)

Business Process Committee Report

Process requiring Documentation

            Schedule Upload into Arbiter

            Assignor Invoice

            Monthly Reports for Executive Committee

            Role of the Executive Director

A question arose as to the contract for the Executive Director.  Is there one,  what is the language, Is it in alignment with the current requirements and processes being discussed by the committees?  Erik to research and report back.

Finance Committee / Treasurers Report

Treasurer – idea floated by Desire is to pay 80% to assignors based upon prior year.  Assignors then provide Invoice; Treasurer and Executive Director renew and authorize. Need cash flow and review games before payment.    Pay 30 days post receipt of invoice. 

Assignors to provide an invoice for their games; Treasurer and Executive Director validate all invoices.  Invoice will then be paid.

Payment schedule could be modified (based upon receipts of payables)

Collectables as provided by John More

   $27,000 is not collectable. 

   $145,000  (is this the total outstanding?)

   $87,000 over 90 days in arrears

   $54,000 current and collectable

Executive Director Report

EDP Fines.  Fines are $25, $50 or full referee fee based on EDP rules.    Process is working well.  Mark and Missy are informing teams of the fees when they incur them, Robin is tracking and following up on collections

AA County – Issue with ages of referees working the games that is causing a lack of adult referees to be available for other games (EDP, NCSL, etc.) in AA County.  President to discuss with Assignors (Garrett Tucker and Mark Jennings) after the season.

John More Debt

Funds will be disbursed to John when the transition is complete

            No longer has access to Arbiter and Arbiter Pay

            QuickBooks has been completely transitioned to Treasurer (no access)

            Credit Card has been cancelled

            Removed from Wells Fargo Account

            Cancellation of the PO Box

New Business

            A couple of existing clients and a new client have asked CASRA to assign games in Frederick and West.  President to contact Mike Truax and Henry House regarding assigning in Frederick / Hagerstown area.

            New Contract – ISL High School League in DC.

            Insurance   D&O   President is investigating policy options for CASRA

Motion to Adjourn was made by Missy Lambert     Seconded by Desire Ridgell.   Motion carried

Meeting Adjourned at 9:30 PM